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Pasture walk soil
Aug. 23 2021
Holtz Dairy uses a rotational grazing system to help feed their organic dairy herd. They converted 150 acres to this system after being unable to grow crops on the soil
Dad and Grandpa
Aug. 19 2021
Family members and employees, past and present, have helped shape our dairy farm
Aug. 16 2021
After spending a summer with Hoard’s Dairyman, I am more confident in my writing skills and dairy knowledge
Aug. 10 2021
Just getting by during the pandemic can only be our mindset for so long
Aug. 9 2021
Dairy employees got the chance to bond with coworkers during the two-weekend Dairy Soccer Cup
FFA Picture
Aug. 2 2021
Don’t let a full plate scare you away from a new opportunity. Saying “yes” can introduce you to new friends and interests
July 30 2021
With more emphasis being placed on the well-being of livestock all the time, students can gain experience in this type of evaluation through the Animal Welfare Assessment Contest
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July 28 2021
These tips make days on the farm easier
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July 27 2021
Over decades, dairy farmers have gained new tools to accomplish the same mission of caring for their animals
July 26 2021
The annual Dairy Experience Forum proved that consumers recognize the need for dairy products in the diets, but they crave more insight on farming
July 21 2021
Dairy’s biggest hurdle may not be what you might think. It is all too easy to call out nut juices and lab grown proteins as dairy’s biggest obstacles, but you would be wrong
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July 20 2021
I’m sure by now you’ve heard, more times than you want to, that we all need to be advocating for the dairy industry
Resume blog picture
July 19 2021
The fall season on college campuses is busy with eager college students looking for jobs and internships. Having the best résumé and cover letter for the position is a couple steps away
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July 14 2021
Coping with the stress of farming is necessary
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July 13 2021
The issues we can tackle as dairy advocates are numerous
July 12 2021
Charcuterie boards are a hot trend. As dairy folks, now is the time to flaunt one of our most beloved products, cheese
Breakfast on the Farm 1
July 5 2021
Consumers are eager to learn more about agriculture and events like “Breakfast on the Farm” show them the truth behind farming
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June 30 2021
I’m slightly ashamed to admit that I used to be a very different person. I used to be the kind of farmer who wore the long hours like a badge of honor
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June 29 2021
To tell an effective agriculture story online, a farm should consider who they’re trying to reach, what information they want to share, and what content will do the best job of reaching consumers
June 28 2021
While our methods may have changed over time, providing a safe product for our consumers is the goal of every dairy farmer